
Subscribes to views below on Patriotism:

Patriotic Marxism Leninism

Uses this Jacobin article and the stuff mentioned in it as a model on the viewpoint of Patriotism and National question etc

Supports Proletarian internationalism in a world where every worker has a national (worker's) homeland 

Socialist patriotism

Socialist Patriotism.png Socialist Patriotism was promoted by Marxist-Leninist movements. Socialist patriotism promotes people living within Marxist-Leninist countries to adopt a "boundless love for the socialist homeland, a commitment to the revolutionary transformation of society and the cause of communism". Marxists and Marxist-Leninists claim that socialist patriotism is not connected with nationalism, and denounce nationalism as a bourgeois ideology developed under capitalism that pits the working classes of the world against each other. Socialist patriotism is commonly advocated directly alongside proletarian internationalism, with communist parties regarding the two concepts as compatible with each other.


DemML.png People's Democracy (Leninism) 

People's Democracy is a type of multi-class dictatorship involving the alliance of the proletariat, peasantry, petite bourgeoise, and the national bourgeoisie. In a people's democracy, a multi-party democracy as one united popular front will achieve the path to socialism. The parties in the united front are all social democratic, socialist, and anti-fascist parties; whom are all united against imperialism and fascism and for the development of socialism.

A multi-class dictatorship was needed in order to unite the anti-fascist and patriotic sections of society in order to fight against the resurgence of fascism and to help these countries recover from WW2’s destruction.

Polish Patriotism:

Chopin.png Chopinism 


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