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Eclectics come in all flavors: Conservative , Liberal and Left. Cornel West is a left eclectic, Brand is a Conservative eclectic

 So Joe Biden better represents your interests than Cornel West?

Neither represent our interests better. This isn’t the Cornel west of the 90s or early 2000s. Either he’s deteriorated mentally or has clung on to the grift. I think we need to see it can happen to even those we put on a pedestal. Look how many staunch Leftist and progressive media figures have defected to “Centrism”, “Classical Liberalism”, Reactionary Leftism, or even straight up conservatism.

I honestly think West is simply a Boomer. He’s not hip to the lingo. Just as much out of touch as he is in touch and not able to understand it all. Can’t be almost as old as our 2 main presidential candidates and have any idea how to navigate online spaces.


Still respect him, but ain’t voting for him… at least in a general presidential election

level 1



2 mo. ago


Thanks for this detailed summary. I like West and think he’s done a lot of good things -more than bad. But no one is perfect and this run for president is… uuuggh…

Splitting the vote? Sure - but that is the fault of the DNC.

I can not in good conscience vote for Biden any more than I could vote for a Trump.

So, I'll be voting for whoever else shows that their platform is aligned with my personal principles and values. That is how democracy works - people voting based on THEIR principles.

All of this BS about voting along party lines against personal principles is NOT how democracy functions. And it shows. Look atound you - progressive voters have been compromising on their principles for decades. Look around. How is that working out? Exactly.

The Majority Blue Report: Vote Blue dont matter who! Dont split the vote, vote Blue, you get it, vote democrat overlords!

You are just a bunch of neoliberal shitheads whose job is to move the "progressive" votes to the democratic party and to prevent the creation of a truly socialistic option. Truly disgusting.


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