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Here is where I connect Peronism with Xi Jingping SocDem symbiosis Mutualism

Mutual Peronism

A Peronist economic zone within a Progressive Utilization theory society that has Peronism mixed with Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy  elements as I outline here

PROUTism itself is Libertarian Left (like Mutualism) and like Mutualism , Peronism and Chinese Triderism is a third way ideologies 

PROUTism is Influenced by/goes along with:





Libms.png Libertarian Market Socialism (diet version of Mutualism)


Hindu Socialism

Localism (Left Localism meshs with my ideologies) 


World Federalism

Social AuthPron.png Peronism, (Argentina version of Social Auth)

Peronism is a culturally progressive ideology, but may vary, and is considered to be very similar to some sorts of Socdem.png Social Democracy (with many of its basis being re-distribution of wealth, giving more power to unions, Protect.png protectionism, etc.)

A third way approach to economics which purported to be neither socialist nor capitalist, but to incorporate elements of both, resembling a kind of state capitalism.

Juan Perón was only a pragmatist who took useful elements from all modern ideologies of the time; this included not only authoritarian corporatism but also the New Deal policies of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[57] To Pigna, therefore, Perón was neither fascist nor anti-fascist, simply realist; the active intervention of the working class in politics, as he saw in those countries, was a "definitive phenomenon."[57]

Peronism is "a vague blend of nationalism and labourism"[2] or populism.[1][3]

4 Peronist Populism and Corps - Oxford Academic

Oxford University Press › book › chapter

It represented the Peronist will to establish a third ideological path that overcame the Capitalism-Communism dichotomy of the Cold War.

Peronism is widely regarded as a form of corporate socialism, or "right-wing socialism". Perón's public speeches were consistently nationalist and populist. It ...

Social Auth and Peronism friendly :

Mao.png Maoism 

    *Titoism is

    supported by 

    • HoChiMinh.png Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969 now he is in heaven or in his next life) Hochi.png Vietnam

     AuthMarkSoc.png Authoritarian Market Socialism

    Authmut.png Authoritarian Mutualism

    Socialism with a human face (i.e Liberal Socialism) which includes Mutualism and Left Social Democracy

    frenemies with Peronism:

    Pron.png Peronism - You're fine, (but you should never have let in AXIS power vets into Argentina)

    Left Wing Nationalism including:

    Peronism, Mutualism (Josiah Warren Peronism)

    Post Hegemony (links Cesar Chavez and by extension Cooperative Economics like Mutualism with Juan Peron)

    Maoist Peronism


    JSTOR › stable

    by FJ McLynn · 1982 · Cited by 4 — form and direction for the Argentine labour movement, Juan Peron seems to echo Sorel.48 But perhaps the social theorist closest to Peron's ideals is one whose ...

    The Ideology of Peronism: The Third Way and the Law ...

    John Wiley › doi › full › j.1477-705...

    by FJ McLynn · 1984 · Cited by 11 — 24 Peronist Doctrine, p. 331. 25 At this point Perón parts company decisively from a thinker like Sorel, whose sentiments he otherwise often seems to

    Market socialism, syndicalism and mutualism are similar things (Peronism is inspired by Syndicalism)

    Peronism is aligned Synd.png Syndicalists

    Syncretic.png Syncretic/Third Stance

    World.png Foreign Sympathizers of Peronism:

    Peronism also includes SociAuto.png Social Autocracy and is inspired by by Socauth.png Social Authoritarianism

    Sorelia.png George Sorel Syndicalism (which has elements of PJ Proudhoun Mutualism in it, got Peronism to power)

    Montoneros.png Tendencia Revolucionaria

    • Socdem.png Social Democracy from Peronism - I like labor parties though they seem to be very mild when compared to me. Many of these people in my country claim to be the REAL left-wing Peronists, they fight a lot with these other Socdem.png Peronists.
    • Milei.png Mileism - Yeah, you are one of those Libertarian.png libertarados, but looking back, and as Guillermo Moreno said, you really capture the rebellious spirit of peronism, you just need to mature. Also, my menemist side likes you. (Mileism is connected to Market Anarchism and Mutualism)

    Longism is the American version of Peronism:

    Longism said to Social Libertarianism: 

    Longism is the reincarnation of third wayish Bonaparte.png Bonapartism 

    Longism is Sanders-steriods.png Bernie Sanders on steroids and Distributist.png American Distributism

    Longism also includes

  • Antibank.png Anti-Bankocracy
  • Anticap.png Anti-Capitalism
  • AntiDem.png Post-Democracy
  • Anti-Masonry.png Anti-Masonry
  • Catheo.png Catholic Social teaching 'Theocracy'
  • Cfash.png Clerical Interventionism (Protestant Democracy)
  • Conservative Social Democracy of the 1920s and early 1930s
  • Community.png Communitarianism
  • Distributist.png *Distributism
  • Isolationist.png Isolationism
  • Reform.png Reformism
  • FDRismF.png Rooseveltism (originally, later opposed)
  • Distributism which includes Social Distrbutism:

    Distributism is often portrayed as a devout Catholic. He may be seen wearing a rosary or calling the Pope based. However, it's not necessary to be a Catholic, or even a Christian, to follow Distributism, it's just a call back to its origins/roots in Catholic doctrine and the works of Catholics who helped to define the movement. While he's not prone to violence, he does get rather mad when someone calls him a "Catholic socialist." Distributism is best friends with Farm.png AgrarianismLong.png LongismGeorgist.png Georgism, and Mutalist.png Mutualism who are often in comics with each other, especially calling out the false dichotomy of capitalism vs socialism. He is often seen trying to find common ground with other ideologies, often successfully (subsidiarity with libertarians, co-ops with market socialists, etc.). Distributism likes LOVES the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

    Socialism of the 21st century which influences my views and which are like core values of mine

    Is Post Neoliberal


    Progconsoc.png Progressive Conservative Socialism ProgConSoc.png

    RafaelCorrea.png Correism : 


    Evo.png Evismo



    * Social Market Economy inspired the Person Dignity Theory and Social Libertarianism . It also is embraced by Peronistvariants  Menem.png Menemism/Macri.png Macrism

    Social Market economy is like SocCap.png Capitalist Socialism ,Market Socialism and  Mutualism and (erroneously, mostly in the Cball-US.png US) and inspired the Chinese to name their market something similar

    Christian Democracy-Peronist P.D.T

    The Person Dignity Theory proposed a "third way" between capitalism and communism, both of which it accused of being strictly materialist. Both capitalism and communism assume that people are only instruments of production, while the Person Dignity Theory promoted a spiritual and physical person, with consequential changes for supply and demand based not on the individual but on the community.[2]

    The Personal Dignity Theory is based on "Three Theories":

    Cball-Brazil.png Brazil[edit | edit source]

    Kubitschekism is the ideology associated with Kubitschek.png Juscelino Kubitschek, prominent Brazilian politician and Prime Minister from 1956 to 1961. He is generally regarded today as the Father of Modern Brazil, due to his polices of rapid economic development and stability. Though self identifying as a Social Democrat, his policy, if coincidentally, was reminiscent of Social Capitalism.

    Socialism of the 21st Century to Social Democracy:

    • Socdem.png Social Democracy - Lula is based, but for the most part he comes across as a bit too moderate for me. Also tell your American supporters to stop trying to water down the word socialism.


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