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Economy is 100% nationalised and socialistic -Counterfactual Marxist materialist 

Is not as pro peasantry as most left wing ideologies

Includes supporting real established colonies in Africa to guide the African worker to socialist ideals

Includes Vanguard Sorelianism fused of Juche and Maoism

Sometimes brings back employers to have them lead the syndicates

It doesn't sell out to bourgouise

Authoritarian Socialism/State Socialism with 2010s 2020s France type of cultural assimilation along with Social Totalitarian welfarism

(might also include internationalism like 

borders on this line of thought from the left:
Is nti-materialism. Class, money and banks are irrelevant in the philosophical view on this line of thought It attacks the Bourgeoisie just as harshly as communists do, since the Bourgeoisie is inherently weak and decadent, which runs counter to this line of thoughts emphasis on Heroism and spiritualism (like supporting the Arch Angel Michael getting more love in Catholicism and Christianity)

Is a pro Peasant movement
Promotes affinity groups like for religion, metaphysical identity etc
Inclusive to rich powerful people if they submit to it (i.e they adopt Philanthropy and Inclusive Capitalism)
Supports all identity groups having strong cohesion

Unlike Capitalists and Communists who define themselves by money, this line of thought defines itself by metaphysical stuff, and thus to it economics are just a means to the end but not the actual end


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