New idoelsddso

Country Autonomist FedoPaPSE Social-ism

It is similar to a fusion of National personal autonomy + Third Way 'socialism'

Is a non Marxist Socialism ideology

Supports Labour Zionism

Based society on new concepts of class before abolishing all classes all together (since as long as there are poor people we need to reign in a classless utopia)

Socialist Corporatism is a variant of said ideology

Takes Nationalism from the Right Wing and Socialism without Internationalism from the Left Wing and fuses them together

Is precisely Supranation Civilism

Balances WestChauv.png Jingoism (literally Western exaggerated or aggressive Patriotism), National Globalism/Multipolar-Fourth Theory and Pan Europeanism

Is Anti Zionism

Is Anti Big Capital

Adheres to this ideology

Supports Pan Nationalism, Expansionism (due to State-collapse anarchy, reunification or pan-nationalism)

Supports European Federalism

This means a productive/autonomist  lumpenproletariat nation, morally robust, and tending toward daring direct actions with correspondence with the lumpenproletariat which adheres to said principles. 

It is influenced by revolutionary lumpenproletariat autonomist movements like syndicalism using their methods, but without reaching the same aims. 

This would lead to a Evolutionary Socialist movement fused with Integral Nationalism movement (looking past the radical nationalism aspects of the latter) as to us use Syndicalist esque tactics to reign in different goals: a movement that calls for Intercommunalism/soft Wilson doctrine in place of class revolution but also keeping up the same methods of max cohesion, congregation of forces, tough discipline and fierce implacableness. 

This ties the autonomist lumpenproletariat to the fiscal role of production which states that all of the producers, in a morality sense are autonomist lumpenproletariat (including the productive owners and entrepreneurs, the latter of which uses an entrepreneur system from Left Libertartarian ideologies)

So it says the producers need to be at the forefront of a new autonomist , lumpenproletariat Intercommunalism/soft Wilson doctrine nation

It replaces the class struggle with nation struggle (struggle between nations) struggle between nations, ie between autonomist lumpenproletariat nations" and plutocracies

Supports the Maoist Poletarian nation model but replaces Proletarian with autonomist lumpenproletariat

Adheres to the this but includes this Socialism of the future thought:

  • Erga.pngErgatocracy - It is the beginning of the end for the relative comfort of bourgeois politicians; they, too, will tremble similarly to the manner in which millions of working people worldwide tremble whenever their fascist policies are implemented. The working class must become the ruling class of society by any means necessary.

File:168439096551109906 (1).pngIs made up of every ideology that Revolutionary Progressives don't like

Is Hoppeanism in all but a name and basically Reactionary Socialism (i.e rule of the Lumpenproletariat)

Right-wing liberal economy thought to help with financing for deficits where capital projects were paid with the issuance of labour notes which also aides the military industrial complex in a non liberal hawk and non woke Democratic way

Includes having industries being massively privatized. Shifts whatever public ownership there is into the private sector and gives control of public services to private organizations

Includes privatizing rail, shipping/shipyards, banks, welfare etc 

Is Communitarian (as seen below)

Also supports this political socioeconomic system

Extreme off compass Left Acceleration via Corporatocracy , CapitalistBrezhnevism.png Capitalist Brezhnevism/Stalinism

with Chinese characteristics like Dengism, Socialist Market economy, Xi Jinping thought

Is Anti Usury and supports banning Usury 

Supports Social reform, Social revolution and true Socialism

Supports National revolution

Civic Federalism fused with Subculture Federalism  (Subculture Federalism in between Cultural Federalism and Ethnic Federalism)

Antiwest.png Anti-Westernism

Anticap.png Anti Capitalism

Pan Eurasianism

Anti Materialism without Soulism

Supports self sacrifice 

Supports belief/faith

Supports Unselfishness

Supports Community providing a purpose

Supports economic feeling



Supports fiscal revolutions

Supports Economic Nationalism + Social Democracy

Anti Economic exploitation 

Anticommunism.png Anti Communism from a Fourth Political Theory standpoint (goes beyond Communism and rejects the orthodoxy of Communism but uses the fringe ideas from Communism to defeat Liberalism)

Supports dignified self sufficiency and the Ana Kasparian 'pick yourself up by the bootstraps' over social welfare

Fuses together Socialist economic views with cultural nationalism (including 

Extreme form of  Consocf.png Conservative Socialism that fuses together Socialist economic views with mostly culturally right wing Cultural Nationalism (including Arendt.png Hannah Arendt thoughtUltraCultNat.png Cultural Chauvinism-LOM Left Wing Chauvinism and Assimil.png Assimilationism) via shared Pop.png Populism

Supports creation of a welfare organization that is based more on left wing meritocracy than social welfare. It has as its core principles alive, well, bodies of people. 

Welfare for drug addicts who refuse to quit and are a burden to public health safety, drunkens, prostitutes who act as assistant pimps, work shy people, asocial people, repeat criminals, psycho paths, and mental health versions of Typhoid Mary are not given these benefits and instead must rely on a Third Way workfare version of Egypt welfare system mixed with Autarchy and Juche self sufficiency 

Supports Rev Spotnex/Autonomism and is against labor strikes (in a way Benjamin Tucker was)

Barely ever increases taxes on citizens 

Own brand of Nationalism

Has this view on Capitalism and Zionism (RESEARCH ARTICLE| JANUARY 01 1980

Capitalism, Not Zionism, is the Problem 

Journal of Palestine Studies (1980) 9 (2): 154–157.)

Supports Nordic model market flexibility and extensive social welfare to make up for that

The state socialists controls a portion of the country's economy

Is Anti Capitalist since Capitalism is the biggest obstacle to working class liberation that needs to be overcome

Supports World.png Globalism in order to unite the planet under Socialism

Supports ML.png Marxism–Leninism as the next awesome step in our socialist program

 Soc.png Soc-h.pngEquality.png Supports Workers of the world uniting

Supports Bull Moose Progressiveness and Progressiveness in general Prog.png PROG.png Prgess.png  since Human enhancement like Transhumanism  will be of benefit to all people

Supports conditional price control in a Conservative Liberal way in areas . For areas like the environment, big business, they are given privatized marketing boards to guide production and cost with a quota system

Supports replacing trade unions with state controlled Labor fronts (eventually would merge with the Chamber of Fiscal)

Influenced by Antifash2.png Anti-Fascism, Statesoc.png State SocialismAnti-Liberalism.png Anti-Liberalism

Anti-Marx.png Anti-Marxism, Agsoc.png Agrarian SocialismGaullismicon2.png Gaullism , Guildsoc.png Guild SocialismEuronaticon.png European Federalism

Supports increasing output

Supports worker's rights 

Supports collective ownership.

Supports this hands on eco(nomic) system

Supports Authoritarian Socialivizionism

Is a form of corporatism

Influenced by

Anticap.png Anti-Capitalism

Antifash2.png Anti-Fascism

Anti-Liberalism.png Anti-Liberalism
Anti-Marx.png Anti-Marxism with Democratic order

Agsoc.png Agrarian Socialism

Gay.pngLGBTQ class reductionism Progconsoc.png/ProgConSoc.png
Christy.png Christian Theocracy
Emon.png Elective Monarchism

Left Wing Dan Quayle Jacobinism + Paleolibertarianism

Gaullismicon2.png Gaullism 
Guildsoc.png Guild Socialism
Agrarian Nationalism

Reactsoc.png Reactionary Socialism
Statesoc.png State Socialism

Chavismo-eyes.png Chavismo

Culturally variable Ultranationalism 

Nation.png Nationalists (aligned)

Soc-h.png Socialists (aligned)

Envi.png Environmentalists (aligned)

Inclusive Nationalism (aligned)

Trotsky Nationism  PLUS J Melencbonism with some ethnonationalism thrown in (aligned)

Disraeli Judaism (aligned)

File:ModUltranat.png Moderate Ultranationalism (aligned)

Syncretic.png Syncretic (aligned)

Religous-Libertarian- Fourth Political Theory Third Positionism

Also includes:

Antibank.png Anti-Financialism

Antiimp.pngAnticap.png Anti Capitalist Colonialism


Nation.png Nationalists
Soc.png Socialists

Mutual Entryism/Third Way

Envi.png Environmentalists

Dubiously Red Stalinism mixed with Paleoconservatism and Anti Fascism (including Anti Fascism's aggression, authoritarianism, and similarities to Anarcho Antiquism, Anarcho Monarchism and National Anarchism)

Syncretism.png Syncretic

Authleft.png AuthLeft  

Culturally Politically houseless 

Influenced by

Farm.png Agrarianism

A combination of Mediterranean Communizationism with a Conservative Social Democracy version of pre policy regime Social Democracy , Caleb Mauphin LaRoucheism and Left Wing Paleo Bull Moose Progressivism

Anticap.png Anti-Capitalism

Antizion.png Anti-Zionism

Proto Agrarian Socialism/Proto National Trotskyism

Antiimp.png Anti-Imperialism

Cball-EU.png Pan-Europeanism
AuthSoc.png Authoritarian Socialism

A less left wing version of this ideology

It rejects and discredits Fascism
and its entire system, and is moved further away from Fascism than other similar left wing ideologies

This ideology is by proxy even more different from fascism than other similar left wing ideologies are

The ideology fixes a lot of the things that connected it to Socialist Nationalism,  Left Neo State Bolshevism, US Modulated Libertinism, extreme Laissez Faire Mutualism and focuses much more on the Cball-EU.png Pan-Europeanism  and on Antizion.png Jewish Left Anti Zionism, Lucien Wolfism (mix of Crypto-Zionism, Anti-Zionism and Opportunism)


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