
 I am sympathetic to supportive of the Gay Shame movement’s hesitancy of queer mainstreaming, supportive to their demands of the abolishment of state sanctioned coupling (marriage for people of all sexual orientations ie hetereo and gay) since I like them see marriage as an exploitation at the benefit of others, and believe that people shouldn't have to do a ritualistic things like get married to get benefits like healthcare and the like . 

Same sex marriage won’t alter and fix heterosexual marriage at all, though it will instead enhance the cachet of that rather tattered institution by pledging more bodies and lives to the altar of normative familialism . 

Homosexuals and lesbians make up about single digit percent of the US population. About 1 in 1x Americans identify as homosexuals/lesbians

The amount of LGBTQ-identifying adults married to a person of the opposite-sex is 11 and a half percent, (source:Gallup), which exceeds the percent of those LGBTQ identified adults who are married to a person of the same-sex (9 and a half percent) by about 18 percent. 

TLTR: Some gays feel that gay marriage might be culturally appropriating straight/hereosexual marriage .It seems that marriage, since time immemorial, has been a part of heteronormative culture, a truth which some parts of the gay community (like the aforementioned gay shame movement and also David Starkey) understand.

To make the government expand the realm of marriage to include same sex couples culturally appropriates a heteronormative cultural practice to the homosexual culture. This can cause same sex marriage to fall under that umbrella?

This is also basically Queer neutrality/queer anti-identitarianism which I support (Like the gay shame movement, coalitions of queer neutrality like Queer Nation set aside their identity differences in order to team up against assimilationist movements). Think of it as an undoing of the structural logics of the indexical trace and the rhetorical apostrophe 

For example, the band Queen, in the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody when someone asks front man Freddy Mercury (played by Rami Malek), “What makes Queen any different from all of the other wannabe rock stars I meet?” Freddy Mercury responds,

“I’ll tell you what it is. We are four misfits who don’t belong together, playing to the other misfits: the outcasts right at the back of the room who are pretty sure they don’t belong either. We belong to them”

This depiction of the queer community as not belonging and yet belonging to those who do not belong is anti-identitarian because it crosses genders/genres and interrupts the boundaries of communication.

More from Freddy Mercury “We’ll mix genres, we’ll cross boundaries, we’ll speak in bloody tongues if we want to” (Bohemian Rhapsody). Queer neutrality is supposed to be a condition of relation without any determinate representational or indexical tie, especially the ties of social categories, associational boundaries, and personal identities that shape conventional relations.

John Paul Ricco states a queer-neutral anti-methodology in his The Logic of the Lure (2002) book, where he writes “What if we neither began nor ended with identity? In the end, what if we were to substitute something like a cruising ground for an epistemological ground”

The above changes will liberate all homophobes, biphobes and heterophobes from their homophobia, biphobia and heterophobia . The above changes will also help people not end up like this former liberal by making it impossible to be homophobic, biphobic or heterephobic in the first place

Also I agree with these links: https://leenkrrusufrens.blogspot.com/2023/01/lgq-wpcpof0934904.html

And these links which criticize the obsession with equality and rights :


https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/457392/the-obsession-with-trans-inclusivity-is-making-a-mockery-of-equality +a similar point here about equality/rights obsessions: https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/15qmegl/a_guide_to_neopronouns_and_nounself_neopronouns/   and how if Furries demand equal rights it will further erode and make a mockery out of equality and rights




" The current obsession with equality over all else is a drive for utopia. Previous generations were less utopic but society functioned better ...", here, here

Let's suppose for a moment that a group of theocrats have long conspired to seize power in a country, nay, the whole world, to force the globe to bend to its strict religious decrees. However, there is a problem: in a Protestant Western society, citizens uphold separation of church and state, believing in religious freedom. How can the masses be manipulated into allowing a theocracy to take power?

The answer is very simple: induce cultural moral degeneracy into the Western society—let's say you first start off sounding mainstream, calling for increased "awareness" of "civil rights" problems, and exploit that to rabble-rouse one collective against another, endlessly assailing a scapegoat to fuel massive divisions, creating mobs upon mobs who in their demand for supposed "equality" will propagate the most horrid of moral degradation, eventually even the sexualization of young children.

And when the degeneracy is complete, the masses, horrified at what a small band of revolutionary degenerates did to their once-peaceful and orderly society, will be desperate to support any counter-movement that vows to overturn the mess created by the cultural revolutionary activists. Yes, they will even support the insurgent band of theocratic goons who want a "Christian Nationalist" order, a New World Order—if only it will repress those degenerates and their influence out of society!

But you see, this was the trick all along: manufacture artificial chaos, so you can create the false solution that accomplishes the sinister goal you wanted from the beginning. In order to create the theocracy, you first need to create the moral degeneracy that the theocrats campaign against on the tide to power. But to create the moral degeneracy, the social conservative movement must not be allowed to succeed in the early stages of degeneracy, lest they, rather than the cultural revolutionaries, influence the youth.

Plus I read many other similar things about obsessions of equality/rights utopias in leftist and leftish leaning online spaces similarly echoing the above sentiments 


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