Me based 1190

 I support Afro Pessimism. White people existing is a threat to black liberation because according to Afro Pessimism White people are anti blackness structures by nature due to the horrors of anti black slavery by white colonizers centuries ago and beyond.

So since white people including myself (assuming I am not transracially black) are structured against blackness so if we want to go beyond the nihilist defeatist attitude of Afro Pessimism to use that theory as a blueprint for black liberation instead of a Lamentations like book, then to end anti blackness /anti black racism in a pragmatic, practical way, all white people and non black people on Earth should be either socially dead or at best agree to a living death in order to socially or in a zombie like way abolish billions of anti black structures (i.e whites and non blacks) . I am serious. 

If we can convince all whites on Earth to agree to socially kts or at minimum if that isn't feasible than for all whites on Earth to accept living death for themselves 

(social death and living death both are not real death, see links for why)

we may be able to in the words of Afro Pessimist scholar Frank Wilder III 'negate the negation' without having to do to Earth what what Cyborg Smoke did as his Fatalitiy in Mortal Kombat and wait to start fresh once life on Earth rises again so blacks get a fresh start without the stigma of anti blackness, anti black racism and all the non black- anti black structures that are positioned against blackness

This isn't a woke radlib idea like you hear Conservapedia chuds complain about or you hear FauKKKs Noos complain about. 

This isn't the anti white racist, literal voluntary white genocide article from Everyday Feminism (telling white mothers to abort their babies to save blacks), since unlike Afro Pessimism, that type of ideology is racist against whites while Afro Pessimism is nihilist in the realm of politics, and my adding some type of political activism to it here still is closer to Black Nihilism than to other types of black activism that are not nihilist or pessimistic.

Further in their anti baby, anti white article, Everyday Feminism uses the woke, CRT FALSE definition of black liberation as the end goal for black liberation in that pro 'whites abort white children' racist article,  instead of using non woke, non anti white,  pro black ideologies such as Afro Pessimism or even the Black Liberation Army as such an end goal for black liberation since the latter 2 ideologies are true black liberation (Afro Pessimism most certainly) while Everyday Feminism's State Liberal, hyper ultrawoke, CRT on steroids 'liberation' only makes blacks become more oppressed than they are now by giving them superficial, meaningless non material fluff (like renaming streets that are named after a George Washington to another person since 'omg George Washington owned slaves!! like this is worse than George cutting down his parents cherry tree as a kid' or using racial quotas on reality shows or having meaningless black boxes on Instagram profiles) all of which do nothing to truly help the black community in the slightest. 

Afro Pessimism is not woke, it is against wokeness (it rightfully doesn't recognize white supremacy as the enemy and it downplays the so called dangers of 'whiteness' to instead prop up what the real enemy is : anti blackness structures (like the police,  whites, Palestinians and other Arabs, Asian people, Indigenous non blacks etc).  

Afro Pessimism's against intersectionality, a core feature of modern wokeness. 

Furthermore my brand of actionable Afro Pessimism here calls for whites and non white non blacks to be either socially dead or just living dead not aborted or killed like Everyday Feminism called for

Moreover, Afro Pessimism correctly says that whites are not evil or bad because they are white, its just that whites are anti blackness structures due to the intricate history of the modern world and the abuses committed against them by white, Asian, Muslim/Arab, Indigenous etc bigots.  

And Afro Pessimism showed me one way to turn it into Black Nihilism that borders on John Mayer's 'Waiting for the World to change' type of thinking is that either whites and non white non blacks alike must be removed from Earth along to give blacks back their dignity and the ability to destroy anti black structures or we have to go by the Afro Pessimism blueprint to end anti blackness forever and that is the more extreme option . 

That latter option is to negate the negation to truly emancipate blacks from hundreds of years of slavery, by literally doing to Earth what Cyborg Smoke did as his Fatalitiy in Mortal Kombat and start fresh once life on Earth rises again

So by whites and other non blacks to socially kts or more realistically accept living death onto themselves as to give blacks liberation and a path to get back to reclaim their African roots, it will seem extreme, but again this is non woke 

Now Afro Pessimism is a nihilist ideology so it doesn't call for whites to off themselves to save blacks, 

I agree with Michelle Goldberg here,I am glad that our society is becoming a new multiracial polyglot majority since I love diversity. 

“… Right now America is tearing itself apart as an embittered white conservative minority clings to power, terrified at being swamped by a new multiracial polyglot majority. The divide feels especially stark in Georgia, where the midterm election is a battle between Trumpist reaction and the multicultural America whose emergence the right is trying, at all costs, to forestall. …   In a week, American voters can do to white nationalists what they fear most. Show them they’re being replaced.“

It would be good if African Americans or BIPOC in the US etc as a whole switched places /Traded places (but permanently or at the very least for the forseeable future) with whites in terms of number, power level and hierarchy (where blacks or bipoc as a whole were the majority and anti blackness structures were replaced by anti whiteness structures). See here for more

So until then positive action like in Europe could help get us to that point. So yeah, it would be good if African Americans or BIPOC as a whole (via more migration) made up the majority race-ethnicity in the US (with whites becoming the minority) and or we abolished our white ethnocentric structures in the US etc.  But these changes  would have to be made in a NON woke and NON Liberalism 2.0 way

With any of these changes, it would be the most effective and guaranteed way to break down cultural differences ‘forcefully’ to make everyone feel more equal and it would have the added bonus of liberating racists from their racism toward BIPOC/African Americans. 

This is because white anti black racists, would either be the non dominant majority or would be in the minority race and ethnicity wise or there would be no white ethnocentrism as a weapon for them so they would have to stop being racists and would rightfully have to be pro black/pro BIPOC as a survival mechanism to fit in in such a world (since being white would be seen as different)

It would basically be a super world where whiteness would be dismantled and over and those words wouldn’t have the meanings and perceived ‘power’ dynamics attached to them that a few people think they have now (but ONLY in a non woke and non Liberal 2.0 way).  A true post racist society. 

An ideology that includes promoting black pop culture, gender fluid, macho and earnest androgyny (like Ernest Hemingway type) and skater culture along with opposing threats to said things. It would have Conservative Liberal positions on queer/gay issues. It would be pro Transgender and esoteric

Like Dr Cornel West I believe that the US is a "racist patriarchal" nation where white ethnocracy continues to define everyday life. "White America," he writes, "has been historically weak-willed in ensuring racial justice and has continued to resist fully accepting the humanity of blacks." 

This has created many (in the words of Cornel): "degraded and oppressed people hungry for identity, meaning, and self-worth."  Cornel West also attributes most of the Black community's problems to "existential angst derive[d] from the lived experience of ontological wounds and emotional scars inflicted by white supremacist beliefs and images permeating U.S. society and culture."

Ethnocracy is a form of government type that falsely believes one ethnicity or race is better than all others, and that superior race/ethnicity should be concentrated into political power.

From Wikipedia "An ethnocracy is a type of political structure in which the state apparatus is controlled by a dominant ethnic group (or groups) to further its interests, power and resources. Ethnocratic regimes typically display a 'thin' democratic façade covering a more profound ethnic structure, in which ethnicity (race, religion, language etc) – and not citizenship – is the key to securing power and resources."

An ethnocratic society facilitates the ethnicization of the state by the dominant group, through the expansion of control likely accompanied by conflict with minorities or neighboring states. A theory of ethnocratic regimes was developed by critical geographer Oren Yiftachel during the 1990s and later developed by a range of international scholars.

White ethnocacy to race is what patriarchy is to sex. Just like patriarchy is an oppressive social system of exploitation that allows men to dominate and to have perks that come from that white ethnocracy is similarly an oppressive social system of explotation that causes whites to dominate and to have advantages that come from that. 

Some examples besides the US include Apartheid South Africa. We can use Nelson Mandela and his allies methods to destroy our white ethnocracy besides the methods I detail below

As with patriarchy maintaining oppressive gender roles, white ethnocracy similarly maintains oppressive racial roles. Both of these systems while wrong justify their abusive nature by inherent natural differences between sexes (patriarchy) or races (white ethnocracy). 

Patriarchy is any form of governance in which political power is concentrated among men

Patriarchy society is characterized by the overbearing representation of men and the perks that come from that.  Similarly , white ethnocracy is characterized by the overbearing representation of whites and the perks that comes from that

"Sociologists hold varied opinions on whether patriarchy is a social product or an outcome of innate differences between the sexes. Sociobiologists compare human gender roles to sexed behavior in other primates and some argue that gender inequality comes primarily from genetic and reproductive differences between men and women. Social constructionists contest this argument, arguing that gender roles and gender inequity are instruments of power and have become social norms to maintain control over women"  This can apply to white ethnocracy for whites and bipoc respectively 

We need to create a racial counterpart to the feminist movement to seek to abolish white ethnocracy like feminists seek to abolish patriarchy . 

I generally posits that white ethnocracy and traditional racial roles are manifestations of involuntary coercive hierarchy and should be replaced by decentralized free association. 

I believe that the struggle against white ethnocracy is an essential part of class conflict and the anarchist struggle against the state and capitalism.  

I believe that the oppression of poc/bipoc is directly caused and reinforced by Capitalism in order to increase the exploitation of the working class. 

White ethnocracy allows Capitalists to both keep poc/bipoc workers underpaid by threatening to replace them with "better working" whites, as well as also more exploit poc/bipoc workers by threatening to replace them with "less demanding" poc/bipoc. So, by intentionally putting white and poc/bipoc workers at odds with each other bourgeoisie are preventing the proletariat from uniting against them.

I also argue that on top of the regular Capitalist exploitation poc/bipoc workers are also additionally exploited by exploitative work (i.e jobs nobody would take) 

So, in order to reach a true racial equality the burden of such work and in raising a family/caretaking should be taken away from poc/bipoc to volunteer workers, automation and whites (for the work burden) and collective social services (for the family/caretaking part)

Additionally,  I am opposed to bottom tier jobs (which is why I support anti work, or semi automation for them) and the institution of the nuclear family (as the social norm). 

Family was fundamentally created in order to secure and reinforce private property rights, and along with marriage, the nuclear family as a form of legalizing the woman's status as a property (for the former) or to break up the poc/bipoc family (for the latter).

As an alternative to nuclear family as the norm, I call for racial liberation and Free raceplay, while making which means that by extension raising children would be more the responsibility of the whole community, rather than individual parents than it is now

One of the ways of achieving our goals of abolishing our white ethnocracy is through the creation of the special state-backed "poc/bipoc Committees", run by dedicated Black Marxists or BIPOC Marxists

Their role would be to directly promote and defend poc/bipoc rights on the local and national level; propose and prepare racial equality related laws; and also agitate, educate, organize, and generally help working class poc/bipoc all across the country.

I don't care for Bourgeois racial justice movements, because poc/bipoc Capitalists are oppressing the working poc/bipoc just as much as the white Capitalists do. I also generally basically don't agree with the Radical pro Black idea that the social status of poc/bipoc is somehow linked to their innate biological qualities, I argue that instead it is the direct product of the class society.

Another great way to emancipate poc/bipoc is by the means of the freest possible markets and that having such free choice can be if done in a certain way more important than being coerced into an ideal post racist society

This would have common traits with choice pro poc/bipoc movements (i.e racial equivalents of feminist movements) given its emphasis that poc/bipoc aren't a hivemind and should be free to express themselves without obstruction or harming others

Also here


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