Is jointly Communist and left wing
Supports Socialist economics
Supports Social democracy Lassallism, Democratic Socialism, Revolutionary Socialism (including Karl Marx's views on counter revolutionaries) and Eisenacher Marxism
Has this type of Marxian view on Patriotism
Is a type of Marxism with elements of Hoppeanism, Post Marxist Socialism, Mutualisms , especially on private property/privatization outlooks
Is a variant of Libertarian Marxism and Marxist Left Wing Anti Communism /Left Wing Anti Leninism
Is Anti Esoteric Socialism but supports the cultural views of Nationalized Esoteric Socialism
Is a type of Council Communism Marxism that is Communist Anti Bolshevism
Is a pro class collaboration type of Marxism just like the 1960s Sri Lankan Trotskyist LSSP party class collaborated with the bourgeois (see here [archive])
Marxism with this idea
Is this type of Reformist Marxist (Marxist SocDem):
Reformed , Pro Jewish and modernized type of Petliurism
- Pro Israel , Pro IDF State Militarism and Pro Herut Party (Judeo Fascist according to Anti Zionists such as Yeshayahu Leibowitz i, Amos Oz, Max Blumenthal )
Federalism (Before 1918)
Left-Wing Nationalism
Left Anti-Communism
Militarism (since 1918)
Pacifism (Before 1918)
Social Fascism (Accused by the Soviets)
Socialist Social Authoritarianism
Supports the West vs the USSR in the Cold War
Is a pro Red Scare form of Marxism
Anti International Finance Capitalism type of Marxism
Is a type of Marxism with a personality
Is a non cultural reductionist form of Marxism
A type of Marxism that is not slavery
Is against 19th century type of agitative socialist and communist movements
Supports Left non tankie Marxist Leninism fused with Neo Bolshevism
Is against the Bolshevism elements of Marxist theory
Supports early 20th century worker Communism including Council Communism
Is Anti reformist trade union
Supports a free people's state which might align private co-operatives with state organisations. Mostly supports trade unionism as the utility by which workers are able to prosper in the context of capitalism.
It features enough similarities with Communism that they were closer to the far left, even crossing over with Karl Marx's sociological views
Supports the same Socialistic ideological pedigree
Supports DoTP (but open to using a more than one party Russian model)
Supports social welfare but only for legal citizens wip
Supports profit sharing to unify our society of people
Is against people being divided by social classes and political party affiliation
Is influenced by Social Liberalism/Left Liberalism, Laicism, parliamentarianism and Liberal democracy
The big state has control of the means of production and gives each person a share of consumer goods for consumption
The state directs decisions on production, shifts away from entrepreneurship and the labor market
The central authority of the state makes decisions in regards to wages and interest rate via i
Is Anti Monarchy
Supports bohemainism and free love
Supports class collaboration
Supports folk communes peoples commune
Supports National Liberal political parties and works closely with them
Reaches conservative circles
Has elements of nationalism, populism and transnational cultural-economical nationalism
Co-opts social structures and national pride to garner unity and support. But they do not limit government and do not uphold a free market
Supports socialist labor parties in a One Nation Labour sort of way
Deviations in class and wealth need to be rigidly subordinated to the betterment of society ("ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country")
Is Anti Liberal
Is Anti Bourgeois Democracy
Supports National Collectivism
Supports the common good over the individual good
Asks all citizens to productively work. The activity of each person can not clash with the interests of the whole, yet has to go on within the framework of the whole to boost good national karma. So it supports breaking up unearned incomes while abolishing debt (interest)-slavery.
Supports profits from wholesale be redistributed
Supports freedom from religion for all religious sects except if they endanger Americans or the spirit of American values
Supports positive Christianity but without tethering itself confessionally to any particular denomination.
It fights against the cultural bourgeois-materialistic soulism within and surrounding us and claims that a lasting recovery of our country may only be had from within on the grounds of: "no I in team" fused with collective individualism
Supports monotony at the expense of bourgeois, archaic traditions (thus supports supplanting said traditions with new traditions in a futurist novelist sort of way)
Supports getting rid of regional self governments
Supports physical fitness and strength
Supports this left wing family policy
Supports proletarianism
Unlike Marxism, it supports the middle class
There is still private property within this form of Socialism but the state commands the owners what to do with it. This is a variation of centralized planning and it still is counted as Socialism,
Some private business autonomy exists within this ideology
Isn't fully socialist as it allowed for a scope for private enterprise, of course only of a limited type (as with USSR Socialism)
Does not shy away from implementing various regulations and interventions in the markets, in accordance to more rearmament and autarky.
Has a strong hold on foreign exchange and where raw materials go to as to bring about state priorities
Supports public officials setting wages , reserves the capital market for state demand, an overall price stoppage at times that are decreed
State that can get bigger without precedent
Private consumption and exports are crowded out big time
Supports fine/virtuous peace
Is Anti International Capitalism
Is Anti Western Stalinism
Supports being in touch with lower classes
Supports challenging the type of Communism that George Orwell opposes along with pan post nationalism/internationalism
Against civilian leaders and hippies trying to undermine war efforts at home for their country in a war by disobedient protesting or signing bad peace deals
Against Judas and Benedict Arnold type traitorism in wars
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